In addition to being stored safely and protected from alteration, your articles and certificates of incorporation are easily and quickly accessible the moment you need them. You’ll need to produce these files fairly frequently and Minutes Dépôt's sharing feature is the quickest and easiest way to go.
Internal regulations, private issuer exemptions and declarations of dividends are all examples of documents that are easy to store and share with Minutes Dépôt's templates. Whether you opt for Minutes Dépôt's generated version, which is standard for most bankers, investors, and courts of justice, or choose to scan your pre-existing documents, your documentation will always be compliant.
Minutes Dépôt allows you to modify your registers directly on the platform and allow you to link related documents like appointment acceptance or resignation letters, as the case may be. By keeping a detailed record of past and present directors, shareholders and officers, these registers offer a timeline and document the passage of your company's most influential figures.
The interface simplifies matters of issuance, transfer, or buyback and allows you to keep your share and transfer certificates up to date, always instantly available and compliant for an IPO or the sale of your business. Even if the issuance of physical certificates is no longer required by law, they still hold sentimental value for some.